Your ghost resides in a peaceful forest. A peaceful forest that was just recently turned into a camp-ground and major tourist attraction.

Haunt the campers, disrupt their campsites, and scare them away from your resting place.

The executable version is significantly better than the web version.

How to Play:

As the description mentioned, you're a ghost, and you have to haunt a forest-turned-campsite. To do this you primarily possess the campers' stuff, lure them close, and destroy the items while the owners are near by. This increases their fear. Campers will also have their fear increase when they see you, but if their fear increases too much they take out a flashlight which damages you (and the forest by extension).

The game continues until the forest runs out of health. The forest progressively loses health from items currently on the ground.

Theme Connection:

You are the aberration / you're causing aberrations.


Movement - WASD

Pan camera - QE

Move camera - Mouse

Sprint - Shift

Call humans - Shift

Possess and Destroy - Space

*to possess, you must be close to the object and directly facing it

Note from the developer: 

This game really isn't that great. At this point I only 'finished' it so I could rate other entries. I spent too long on another concept that didn't really go anywhere, and this was just something I was able to cobble together with the remaining time. Feel free to skip this one.

That said, as rough as this game is, I honestly feel like the core concept actually has some potential. I might come back to this eventually.


Most of the sound effects are from Zapsplat. I got the music from opengameart.

The menu music was made by Brandon Morris / Augmentality:

The in-game music was made by cynicmusic, and slightly edited by me: 

I would have made my own music, but I barely know what chords are. So it's probably for the best I didn't.


Ghost of the Woods.exe 150 MB


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A very calming soundscape, I enjoyed the atmosphere very much. The ghost model is amazing, I'd love to see this realised to its full potential.