Diving Bell Mayhem was made in one week for Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2. Using only your cannon and momentum, guide and defend your diving bell for as long as possible. Avoid hostile fish, terrain, and sea mines in this treacherous chasm you've decided to explore!

Note, playing in full screen is strongly recommended, as that will make aiming easier.


PC - Point and click with the mouse or press space to shoot. Press P to pause.

Mobile - Tap on the screen to shoot.

Software Used:

- Godot




Sound and Music:

Some sound effects and all music were obtained from Zapsplat (

The songs used are Tropical Dawn, Enter the Forest, and Cascading.

Minor Lag Issue:

Unfortunately the game has a slight issue with lag. It's by no means unplayable, however the first minefield you encounter will cause things to slow significantly (it seems to get better after that). It's a bit worse on mobile since it affects sound there too, so if you're not on PC I'd recommend playing with the sound off. I'm not sure what causes the lag spikes (other than the first minefield), and I didn't really have time to solve the issue before the deadline.


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I just found a very minor bug involving the mines and hull display. If you have one health point left (ie, 25% hull with no upgrades), and get caught in the inner blast radius of a mine you'll still lose as normal but your hull value won't decrease and the chain won't break. Since this isn't a game breaking bug I can't upload a fixed version of the game, but in case you lost to a mine but still had health left over, this is why.

I completely forgot to put this in the game's description (and I'm not sure I can edit it without being disqualified), but I got the font from here: